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Use the WHOIS Information tool to find out a domain's owner, location, ip and other information.
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Looking out for a domain name that you want to claim? Learn when a domain will expire with our whois & search tools.
What is WHOIS and how is it used?
WHOIS is a public database that houses the information collected when someone registers a domain name or updates their DNS settings.
Who regulates the WHOIS database?
ICANN, the International Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers, regulates the WHOIS database.
Where is WHOIS data stored?
WHOIS is not a single, centrally managed database. Registration data is held in different locations and managed by multiple registries and registrars under the terms of their agreements with ICANN.
Are WHOIS records public?
Yes. WHOIS is a public database that houses the information collected when someone registers a domain name or updates their DNS settings, according to ICANN's regulation.
Is possible to hide WHOIS information?
Yes. Most registrars offer aditional privacy services which replaces the registrant's data with information from the service provider.
How can I find out who owns a domain?
You can find out a domain's ownership using the WHOIS Information tool above. Simply type in the domain name in the search box and click on "Get Whois"
Why should I hide WHOIS?
Your identity is your own business and no one else. So why should you share it with everyone by registering a domain name? If the WHOIS information are made public, there is a strong risk that it will be discovered and used by spammers, marketing specialists or identity thieves.
How do I delete WHOIS history?
You can't. The domain registration information contained in old “whois” records are a matter of historical fact. Whois data is distributed in literally thousands of online databases world-wide, and thousands of backup copies offline. There is no way to remove a given record from all of them.